Bringing you the Sunrise Collection inspired by the endless possibilities each new sunrise brings. All you need is a little bit of hope + a reminder you are worth each new day. This is your reminder. I love you. xo, Brooke

Sunrise Collection


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The sunrise is a promise of hope and a reminder of the endless possibilities each new day gives us. The sunrise represents new beginnings as each day we get to decide what we want in our space and what we don’t. The sunrise really resonates with me on so many personal levels and my current season of life. I feel it’s the best way to bring you my first ever collection and official launch of Crafted by the West. I hope you enjoy and find something that reminds you that with each new day there’s a chance to learn, grow, expand, and choose YOU. Welcome to my new beginning.

Creating is one of my love languages. I hope you enjoy every piece crafted from my heart.